Cup Cakes,Cake Pops,Cake Balls and More      By Elizabeth Greene

About Us

Delicious, Delectable,affordable and freshly made sweets for you and your friends and family. That's what's on our menu – and we are glad you've stopped by for a little taste.


We can offer you a wide variety of sweets. We also tailor them to your specific needs. You can also pick out from our seasonal online catalog where we create holiday themed sweets. 

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We also offer unique centerpieces and party favors for every occassion.




Our food is all made with natural, fresh ingredients. Let us know if you have dietary restrictions. " We have your best interest over ours" 

Customer Reviews

" Awesome,Elizabeth's cake balls are one of a kind!! " -- Angela Gatje,San Diego

" We were visiting in San Diego,and ran across this page,we are huge cake pop fans,and thought we would try these. Very good! The chocolate must be either Godiva or another high quality...." -- Nancy Pismo, Puma,AZ